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Sunday, March 20, 2011

PCPL Millage Request Passes! THANK YOU Voters!

Many thanks to everyone who helped out on our campaign and especially to those who showed up on a "snow day" to vote YES for our millage to rennovate the Village Education Center.  For those who would like to know what's taking place RIGHT NOW... here's an update:

Feb 22nd 2011- Millage Vote PASSES!
March 2011 - Library board resumes talks with the Pinckney Board of Education to finalize the purchase of the Village Education Center building and property.
                     - Library Board invites invested community members to form a Building Consultancy Committee.
                     - Members of the Library Board meet with financial advisers to discuss various funding alternatives.  
                     - Library's Architect (Ron Cieslak) meets with the Library staff to discuss proposed floor plans.

While none of these show visible results right now, we are all very busy doing the things that are necessary before there can be a "ground-breaking" ceremony - hopefully by fall 2011.  Check back for opportunities to lend a hand, help us with our "wish list" or even acquire a momento from your "old school".